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How to Apply

GSO provides funding to graduate students to help defray the cost of attending conferences and purchasing research equipment and supplies. The GSO also provides one-time grants for purchasing thesis, dissertation, or project supplies.

Contact your GSO Department Representative with questions in completing your GSO Application for Financial Support (Funding).


GSO Funding Application Deadlines  GSO General Meeting for Voting on Applications
Friday, January 31, 2025 Friday, February 7, 2025 at 12:30 pm
Friday, March 14, 2025 Friday, March 28, 2025 at 12:30 pm
Friday April 4, 2025 Friday, April 11, 2025 at 12:30 pm


Application Procedure

1. Consult the page for each funding category to determine the necessary elements for your application. Gather these documents before beginning the web form application. Due dates for application are generally one week before a general meeting.You are responsible for knowing the due date. Please check this website or our Facebook as well as either ask your representative or contact the GSO ( for the date. Please keep in mind that applications can be turned in as early as the first day of classes and that applications are accepted and approved on a first come, first served basis.

2. After you have submitted your application and supporting matierals, the Funding Committee and GSO Treasurer will make a preliminary decision about the status of your application. If there are no problems or questions about your application, it will be recommended to the General Council meeting to be approved. In this case, you will not be required to come to the meeting, but your Department Representative must be in attendance. If there are problems or questions about your application, you will be asked to either correct them and/or show up to the meeting to answer these questions if it can be fixed. Certain problems or questions (missing a signature, no personal statement, etc.) cannot be fixed and will result in your application being denied.

3. In either case, you will be emailed by the GSO Treasurer or the GSO with the status of your application before the meeting. You can appeal the Funding Commitee's or the General Council's decision by contacting the GSO President and appearing at the next meeting to discuss the issue. If you cannot make it, your Department Represenative or a proxy can come and discuss the issue. 

4. GSO Funding Committee will inform you of your Application’s approval or denial after the meeting.If your Application is approved, the Graduate School will contact you with instructions for your reimbursement by the University through a Check Request Form.

5. Complete the Check Request Form and return with your documentation per emailed instructions. You cannot receive your reimbursement until this is turned in. All Check Request Forms (for travel and research funding) must be accompanied by appropriate receipts detailing your expenses. Receipts must be itemized and show the total amount, payment method. amount paid, and the balance due if any. This is standard on any receipt/invoice. A “reservation”, or just the registration page, is NOT ACCEPTABLE: must show a charge to and payment by the student.

6. You have until two weeks into the next semester after you are approved to return your check request form. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of funding.


Click here for more general funding information.