Travel Without Academic Duties ($100)
The GSO contributes funds to students traveling to conferences without duties (i.e. for simply attending an event without presenting original work or research).
These applications are not considered until the second meeting of the semester, and only after all other applications for travel and research funding have been heard.
Requirements for an application for Travel without Academic Duties:
Completed GSO Application for Financial Support (including a detailed breakdown of costs)
- Letter from Funding Applicant (you) addressed to GSO, stating why you are applying for funding. See sample applicant letter for a Travel Without Academic Duties request. (save as PDF)
- Letter from Faculty Member (your Advisor, Graduate Coordinator, or Department Head) addressed to GSO, expressing faculty support of your application and why GSO should provide funding. This letter should be on University letterhead. (save as PDF)
- Letter from your GSO Department Representative acknowledging that they have reviewed your application & supporting documents to be complete and correct. (save as PDF)