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Travel With Academic Duties ($500)

The GSO gives reimbursement for when students travel and represent themselves, their research, and the University. When you go and show your work, you are showing not only our own scholarly abilities but also UL Lafayette's love of research and the arts.

Academic duties is a catch-all term covering everything from a traditional oral presentation or poster to a reading of your original work at a professional event or conference. The letter of support from faculty and the personal statement from you help support and explain these academic duties to the GSO.

Please note, volunteering at a conference is not considered academic duties as you are not representing UL Lafayette and the work you have done here.

Allocations for Travel With Academic Duties are based on the location of the event ($200-$500). See GSO Travel Tier List for destinations and amounts.


Requirements for an application for Travel with Academic Duties:

  • Completed GSO Application for Financial Support (including a detailed breakdown of costs)
    • Letter from Funding Applicant (you) addressed to GSO, stating why you are applying for funding. See sample applicant letter for a Travel With Academic Duties request.(save as PDF)
    • Letter from Faculty Member (your Advisor, Graduate Coordinator, or Department Head) addressed to GSO, expressing faculty support of your application and why GSO should provide funding. This letter should be on University letterhead. (save as PDF)
    • Letter of Acceptance from Conference Organizer, showing proof of acceptance of your presentation (abstract/proposal) and your academic duties; an email from conference administrators or a copy of the program with your name and presentation highlighted will be sufficient. In certain circumstances, conditional approval can be granted to students for applications without this confirmation. However, the students must turn in this confirmation no later than one week before the third meeting of the semester of travel. Failure to receive confirmation of duties before this deadline will result in the application being voided. (save as PDF)
    • Letter from your GSO Department Representative acknowledging that they have reviewed your application & supporting documents to be complete and correct. (save as PDF)