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Frequently Asked Questions

Where do GSO funds come from?

GSO funds are raised through student fees. Graduate students are charged $15.00 every semester they are enrolled. Because of this, it is to your advantage to apply for GSO funding.

Where can I get GSO forms?

The GSO Application for Financial Support (Funding) is available as a web form on the GSO website, see Funding.

When is the best time to apply for GSO funds?

You should apply for GSO funds during the semester in which your conference is being held or during the semester which you require research supplies. Since GSO funding applications are considered in the order they are received, the sooner you submit your application, the better your chances of receiving funding. Please note that no applications can be accepted before the first day of classes in the semester you are applying.

What if my conference takes place before the first GSO meeting of the semester?

As funding is reimbursement, the GSO council can vote on your application during any meeting of the semester no matter when you travel. Again, it is important to submit your application as early as possible.

What if my conference takes place during a semester break?

If you wish to obtain GSO funding for a conference that takes place during the semester breaks, you can either submit your application during the semester before the conference or during the semester after the conference. No matter which semester you apply, the funding will come out of that semester's allotment.

What if my conference takes place during the summer when I am not enrolled as a student?

You can apply for funding in the fall, if you are a registered student.  Your summer conference can be funded from your Fall semester limit. Graduate students not enrolled during the summer semester are not eligible to receive funds at a summer meeting

I have not heard whether my conference has accepted my presentation or not. Can I still submit an application?

Yes. However, you must provide a letter stating this fact with your application and provide proof by the meeting you wish your application to be heard.

Am I supposed to bring anything to the GSO meeting I'm required to attend?

No. In fact, as an applicant, you only need to attend a meeting if the GSO has questions about your application and has requested your presence. If GSO has requested you attend a meeting as an applicant, you will be required to give a brief summary detailing why you are requesting funding for the GSO council. You must designate a proxy to represent you and your application if your presence has been requested at a meeting but you are unable to attend.this in your absence if you unable attend to attend yourself.

Is there any way to reduce the amount of GSO paperwork that is required?

No. If it is any consolation, faculty members at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette must follow similar procedures to be reimbursed. Think of it as training for your future job! (But we did finally get rid of the Official Travel Request Form and other administrative necessities).

Where do I submit my GSO application?

Applications and supporting materials are submitted on the GSO website, see Application for Financial Support. You should turn in your completed application for funding one week before the meeting that it will be voted on; however, submission dates are subject to change, so please check the GSO website, Facebook page, and with your Department Representative for clarification. Please do not wait until the last minute to turn your applications in!

What happens to my application after the council votes to approve it?

After your application has been approved by the GSO Council, it is submitted to the University administration for review. 

Two weeks after your application has been approved by GSO, you can expect a Check Request Form by email from the Graduate School, along with instructions for reimbursement.

The University Administration has approved my application, now what?

Once the University administration has approved your application and returned it to you, you can submit receipts for reimbursement to the Graduate School. It usually takes a minimum of two weeks for the business office to reimburse you.

What receipts do I need to submit to be reimbursed?

You must provide receipts for all expenses that you wish to be reimbursed for (i.e if your flight costs $400, you only need to submit that receipt. If you wish to be reimbursed for all your travel expenses up to $400 or supplies up to $160, you must submit ALL of those receipts). The exception is meals. You can apply to be reimbursed for a maximum of $30.00 a day for meals without receipts. 

Your receipts must show that YOU paid for the expense(s). For example, receipts need to be itemized, including a total amount paid, payment method, and balance due if any. A “reservation”, or just the registration page, is NOT ACCEPTABLE: it must show a charge to and payment by the student.

What if I shared a hotel room or another expense with another graduate student?

To divide up one expense among multiple GSO applications, submit one copy of the receipt indicating that the other graduate student (by name) is sharing the cost with you. He or she must also submit a copy of the receipt indicating that he or she is sharing the cost with you.

Can I apply for a travel advance?

No. GSO funding is reimbursement and receipts must be submitted for payment to be received.

Where can I get more help?

Contact your GSO Department Representative for more help with GSO funding. Also be aware that the GSO sponsors annual workshops, usually early in the semester, to explain how to apply for funding.


Click here for more general funding information.